''Mona the Vampire'' is a Canadian animated television series directed by Louis Piché and Jean Caillon. The series is originally based on the short stories created and written by Sonia Holleyman and later written by Hiawyn Oram. It is mainly shown on YTV and CBBC. The series follows the extraordinary adventures of Mona Parker (a.k.a. Mona the Vampire) and her friends as they imagine themselves confronting a new supernatural foe in every episode (however there are always rational explanations for what they see.) Gorland Paddington, who later created Nickelodeon's The Mohr Family, serves as the lead character designer for the series. ==Characters== * Mona Parker ("Mona the Vampire"): The show's main protagonist, Mona is a young girl with a vivid imagination. She believes her hometown is overrun with supernatural monsters and she plans to stop them all and save the town on a daily basis. Her alter ego, Mona the Vampire, has a "vampire sense" which tingles every time something odd happens, similar to Spiderman's "spider-senses". Although Mona's imagination can cause trouble at times, her imagination has proven to save the day more often than not. Sometimes at the end of an episode, they give hints that Mona was telling the truth all along. * Fang: Mona's pet cat and sidekick that she ties unreal wings around (probably to make him look like a bat). Fang is her accomplice in the nether realms of her imagination. Most important of all, he is Mona's sounding-board and confidante, always by her side, ready and willing to follow her anywhere, anytime, no questions asked. And the fact that he can't talk back makes him the perfect sidekick. Positively gregarious, he's as keen as Mona when it comes to setting out on adventure. * Lenny and Veronica Parker: Mona's loving parents. Veronica Parker is a moral force to be reckoned with, while Lenny Parker is more light-hearted and has an imagination like Mona, and allows her to continue her fantasy life. * Charley Bones ("Zapman"): Mona's best friend. He wears glasses, and is an intelligent but scared boy in real life. His alter ego is Zapman, who wears a green costume and is armed with a deadly Zapp-A-Rama Gun (a water pistol in reality). Charley is bullied by George at school, but has stood up to him once or twice. Charley has fallen prey to some of Mona's foes including the Nefarious Computer Virus and a Siren (defeated by Mona, who was cast as Athena in the school production of Odysseus' adventures). Charlie knows a lot about science. Although he, like his friends, has a strong imagination he often needs Mona's help initially to see the "Strange things" suggesting he is slightly more grounded to reality although he is normally convinced unless the plot requires him to be a victim of the villain, when he usually ignores his friends. His hero is a daredevil known as the Man with Nine Lives, who he saves from being killed thanks to the Menacing Mechanical Gremlins. Always ready for action as his alter ego Zapman, Charley is the friend of Mona's most likely to get into as much trouble as she does. * Lily Duncan ("Princess Giant"): Mona's second best friend. Before she was a quiet, shy girl who had her hair covering her eyes. She soon became Princess Giant, a braver and stronger version of Lily (a secret identity suggested after Mona expressed the rather boring idea of being 'big' as a characteristic superpower). Lily once fell in love with a cartoon character. She has also been in troubling situations such as when Frankenstein was going to transplant her brain. In an episode involving a werewolf, she refused to be used as bait in a trap for the beast, insisting it was sexist and leading to a reluctant Charley being used instead. * Angela Smith: Mona's snobbish rival in the series. Often, Angela boasts about her wealth to her classmates and often enlists George in her schemes to cause problems for Mona. Her parents won the lottery and spoil her rotten. * George Jamell (George Dumol in French): A school bully who refers to Mona, Lily, and Charley as "a bunch of babies in Halloween costumes" and picks on Charley most of the time but is not that tough when confronted. He is often seen with Angela. Not only is he a bully, but he's also a tattletale extraordinaire. If there is mischief occurring to which he is not a part of or if students haven't done their homework, George is there to tell Ms. Gotto. George is thick, mean, and like all successful bullies, he has a preference for bullying those smaller than him. Worst of all, his tattling has made him the Principal's pet, so the Principal won't lift a finger to discipline him. That and the fact that he is Principal Shawbly's nephew. * Madeleine Gotto: Mona's teacher. She is very stern, yet also has a habit of falling in love easily. She is often exasperated by Mona's strange ideas and arguments for supernatural occurrences which are ordinary events. * Ivan Shawbly: The stern principal of St. Faith's Elementary. He has no time for Mona's weird behavior and is quick to discipline her. Mona once suspected him of being a werewolf when he began acting suspiciously (the 'rational' explanation for his odd behavior was that he had bought a dog as a birthday present for his wife and was walking it in remote locations to keep it a secret until Mrs Shawbly's birthday). * Officer Halcroft: The chief of local police. He's become used to Mona's antics, and is quick to offer a more rational explanation to Mona's stories, which, ironically, Mona finds rather outlandish and unbelievable. * Mayor Rosenbaum: The town's bumbling mayor. * Mrs. Bryerson: Mona's elderly neighbor. She has a poodle named Blitzy. * Belinda: Mona's babysitter. Mona thinks that she's a robot. In reality, she just knows a lot about robots and is a very nice person, who, on several occasions, helps Mona due to being good at controlling younger kids. She was also misled by Angela (who she also babysits) into believing Mona was a bad person, but quickly learned this was untrue. * Lawrence: One of Mona's classmates. He is a minor character. * Reverend Gregory: The local reverend. * Robin: A new boy in Mona's school who has a nose shaped like a bird's beak and known as "bird boy" by Angela and George, who enjoy insulting him. He can control birds (usually crows) to attack people. * Von Kreepsula: Mona's nemesis. He is actually only a comic character who has supposedly had a duel with Mona, who sealed him into the comic book. He appeared twice in the show, once in the second episode when Charley accidentally left his comic book prison in the rain and let the ink run, thus freeing him (although he was "defeated and sealed" by Mona again). The second is in episode twenty-six, when Mona's little cousin took a bite off the book and freeing him again. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Mona the Vampire」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク